Princessa Estates H.O.A.
Canyon Country, California 91387

Board of Directors
Robert Whittier, President
Craig Toma, Vice President
Debbie Johnson, Secretary
Brian Gonser, Treasurer
Travis Oberlander, Member at Large

Welcome to the website of Princessa Estates Homeowners Association in Canyon Country, California. Originally, we were known as Canyon Park Village and changed the association name in the mid 90's. We are a community of 240 condominium homes.The sole purpose of this website is to keep you, the residents (homeowners and renters) informed about what is happening in our community. We welcome your input and encourage you to attend the monthly homeowner meetings, held the second Wednesday of each month.This site is updated frequently. If you would like to receive notices of updates BEFORE the next newsletter,

Important Phone Numbers
Ross Morgan 800 843-8727
Stephanie Tomerlin 286-1064, Ext 313
LA County Sheriff 255-1121
Graffiti Hotline 252-5326
FPK Security 800 459-4068
661 702-9091
Santa Clarita Water 259-2737
So. Cal. Gas 800 427-2200
So. Cal. Edison 259-6270
Animal Control 257-3191